Sunday, July 26, 2015

Devotion from Benediction: July 2015

O Lord Jesus Christ here present with us, open our eyes of faith to gaze upon Thyself and to know in our hearts that Thou lovest us so much as to stoop down to feed these Thy little children here assembled and be present with them. Grant us, O Lord, that as we believe that Thou art here, so we may learn to be in the world and not of it. Give us Thy strength to cope with the changes and chances of this fleeting world.

Give grace, O Lord Jesu Christ, to Thy bishops, priests and deacons that, in following the most excellent example of Thy humility, they may serve Thy congregations, especially this little flock here present so that they, working at life's coal face may ever more diligently bring the Good News of Thy love to a world that loveth darkness and live lives that shine with Thy light for all Eternity.

Therefore we before him bending...

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